Nelly & the Mother Line: Roaming the Maritimes Finding 9 Generations of Acadian Mothers
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by Nancy Boudrot Spear
Enlivened by warm childhood memories of her much loved Acadian grandmother, the writer travels maritime Canada in search of her matrilineal roots – following nine generations of women, back to the 1600s, when Jeanne Chebrat left France and arrived in present day Nova Scotia.
While discovering her foremothers, the author explores social history, the ordeals of the deportation era, and the strengths of those who kept themselves and their Acadian culture alive. The story is a travelogue of regional locations, spotlighting the hospitality of present-day Maritimers, and the memorable adventures and genealogical advice they gave. Along with the author’s captivating journey, this book holds universal values for us all.
Book Comments
Nelly and the Mother Line takes readers on a heartfelt journey, from a porch in childhood Boston to the Canadian maritime provinces, in search of the author’s Acadian grandmothers––the women who birthed, mothered, and sustained a vibrant culture that Nancy Boudrot Spear portrays with elan and deep respect.
~Harry Thurston, author of The Atlantic Coast, A Natural History, winner of the Evelyn Richardson Non-Fiction Award and the Lane Anderson Award.
Nancy Boudrot Spear has creatively woven together memoir, history, and women-centered genealogy, highlighting the importance and power of unearthing women’s stories and learning about one’s own roots.
~Glenda Martin & Mollie Hoben, founders and co-publishers, BookWomen magazine
Release Date: August 15, 2019 (National Acadian Day)
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