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Aliana greift nach dem Mond

Aliana greift nach dem Mond

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By Laura Roettiger

übersetzt von Juliane Schicker

Neugierde und Vorstellungskraft, gepaart mit Forschung und experimentellem Spiel, helfen Aliana, ihre einzigartige Idee zum Leben zu erwecken. Aliana greift nach dem Mond wird junge Leser dazu inspirieren, Wissenschaft, Fantasie und experimentelles Spiel zu nutzen, um ihre eigenen Innovationen zu schaffen.

Linda Schwab, Flugdirektorin, Challenger Learning Center of Northwest Indiana

In diesem bezaubernden MINT-Buch erleben Kinder, wie das Licht des Vollmonds Aliana dazu inspiriert, ein Geschenk für ihren Bruder Gustavo zu basteln, das die ganze Familie überraschen wird.

Aliana liebt es, alles in der Natur zu beobachten.

Als sie bemerkt, wie hell das Licht des Vollmondes in ihr Zimmer scheint, verbringt sie Zeit damit, etwas über den Mond zu lernen und mit Licht zu experimentieren.

Während sie sich auf den Geburtstag ihres Bruders vorbereitet, plant sie eine wunderbare Überraschung, die mit dem nächsten Vollmond enthüllt werden soll.


Pub date: May 1, 2022 Order here for pre-release copies!

Laura's website


What people are saying!

"This short children’s book imparts many pearls of wisdom about the qualities of a scientist, while telling an engaging story about a girl’s caring relationship with her younger brother. Using her ingenuity, imagination, and ordinary household materials, Aliana creates a special experience for Gustavo’s 5th birthday. Aliana Reaches for the Moon encourages all children – and especially girls - to read, explore, experiment, and to take notice of the natural world. There’s even an important message for parents – doing science can be messy!"    ~ Grace Wolf-Chase, PhD; Astronomer, Adler Planetarium


"Curiosity and imagination, paired with research and experimental play, help Aliana bring her unique idea to life. Aliana Reaches for the Moon will inspire readers to use science, imagination, and experimental play to create their own innovations."   ~Linda Schwab, Flight Director,  Challenger Learning Center of Northwest Indiana


Interview with the author:  KidLit Lollipop

Aliana loves observing everything in nature. When she notices how bright the light of the full moon shines into her room, she spends time learning about the moon and experimenting with light. As she prepares for her brother's birthday, she plans a wonderful surprise to be revealed with the next full moon. A STEAM book for aspiring scientists ages 4-10, "Aliana Reaches for the Moon" is an especially and unreservedly recommended for family, daycare center, preschool, elementary school, and community library collections. It should be noted for personal reading lists that "Aliana Reaches for the Moon" is now also readily available in a paperback edition (9781632331960, $9.99) and in a digital book format (Kindle, $3.99).
~Midwest Book Review, July 2020