Mixed-Up Morning Blues / BOOK & CD
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By Mark Ross
Mixed-Up Morning Blues just received the silver medal in the prestigious 2011 IBPA Benjamin Franklin Awards during the Book Expo America in NYC!
Mixed-Up Morning Blues has been one of Mark’s most requested songs for the past thirteen years. Here it is served up by a righteous twelve-piece band with a ton of help from “his kids,” along with lively illustrations in an easy-to-follow book format. It’s an inspired project that beautifully brings together Mark’s extensive experience and passion as both a blues musician and an educator. According to Mark, you can teach kids almost anything with music, and they do “get” the blues.
We are sad to share that our friend, author, and musician Mark lost his battle against cancer in 2020. He is dearly missed, but we are happy to keep sharing his joy of music with kids through his book and cd.
“Bring Mark Ross, a guitar, and a group of young children together in a room, and you have magic. Mark’s ability to use his music to teach language, math, anatomy, movement – you name it – all the while handling a preschool crowd that can rival any late night blues club, is pure joy.” --Linda Duerr, Director, Child Development Lab, Penn State University
“When Mark comes to visit he’s a huge hit with our kids and teachers alike. Pure fun, that always leaves us wanting more! Mixed-Up Morning Blues is a great book and disc to add to your child’s library.” --Miss Janet Stay and Play Preschool, State College, PA
If you lost the CD or purchased a paperback copy without the CD, please email Mark for a replacement music download!
more reviews:
"There is a lot more involved with the blues or music scene than simply playing the music. One very important aspect is that of educating the public, especially the young about the music, its history and its importance in our world. It takes a special breed to educate the young. Two such individuals are Mark Ross and Nathan Mellott. While Mark is best known by our readers as guitarist for the Blue Hornet Band and Miss Melanie and the Valley Rats, I was more than a little surprised when I found that he had written a children’s book and works as a Children’s Music Specialist at the Penn State Child Development Laboratory. Mixed-Up Morning Blues is a delightful book…very well written, beautifully illustrated and, in short, perhaps the best children’s book I’ve read. I have two granddaughters, a great granddaughter and a grandson. All of them love music and have a real love for the blues. In addition to the book there is a CD which features Ross with the Blue Hornet Band and a host of friends. This CD is a major production with Mark Ross on guitar, Jack Wilkinson on drums, Doug Bernstein on sax and Rene Witzke on bass. Special guests include John Taylor on vocals, Mark Wenner on harmonica, Wiggus on guitar, JT Thompson on keyboards, Jim Noyes on sax and the kids from Room to Grow & Bridge for learning. This one is a lot of fun… pleasing to the eye, an absolute treat for the ears and the most innovative idea I’ve seen in children’s books. I purchased two for the younger grandchildren and may buy more for nephews and nieces. This is a real treasure in so many ways. The book has won a well-deserved Benjamin Franklin Award from the Independent Book Publishers Association. There is another book in the making. At the age of 59 I can hardly wait. Looking for that perfect gift for a young friend? Mixed-Up Morning Blues might be the perfect gift. Not only does it teach music appreciation, it could well help teach your child to read. I recommend it highly whether you are three or 103. This one’s a winner." – Bill Wilson, Music Editor, Billtown Blue Notes